Safe Environment

In order to ensure that children, young people, and vulnerable individuals are in the safest and most secure setting possible, we adhere to the Safe Environment policies and procedures of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

All adult volunteers (18 years old or older) working with children, youth, and/or vulnerable individuals must complete the Safe Environment training (VIRTUS) and undergo a background screening before they start volunteering. For more details on our policies, procedures and training, call the Parish Office at 706-548-6332 or see the following important links:

We are here to listen and take action.

Archdiocese of Atlanta’s 24-Hour Abuse Reporting Hotline

Hotline to Report Abuse by a Bishop or 1-800-276-1562

Links and Resources

■ Archdiocesan Priests with Credible Allegations of Child Abuse in the Archdiocese of Atlanta
■ Guidance on Reporting Abuse

Creating a Safe Environment
■ USCCB’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
■ Archdiocese’s Safe Environment Main Page
■ Safe Environment Policies and Procedures
■ VIRTUS in the Archdiocese of Atlanta

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