Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council advises the Pastor on all aspects of church life. It is a consultative body whose purpose is to unify parish missions and coordinate parish programs. Membership is open to all registered, active Parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church who are at least 21 years old and are not administrative employees of the Parish. Nine council members are nominated and elected by the St. Joseph parishioners for a three-year term. Three appointed Members and three Ex-Officio Members also serve on the Council.
2023 Pastoral Parish Council
President: Jose Perlera
Vice President: Evelyn Tejada
Secretary: Roger Edmonds
Elected Members:
Pedro Guerra
Jenrry Moreno
John Perno
Michael Costello
Gabriela Ibarra
Dee Elliot
Finance Council
The Finance Council aids the Pastor in the administration of Parish assets. It serves as a consultative body making recommendations about Parish financial plans and policies. It provides expertise and consultation through financial analysis, planning and policy development concerning the life and ministry of the Parish.
For more information on getting involved, please contact Luis Candelerio