
Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office, complete necessary paperwork, including verification that they are registered with the parish, before registering for a Baptismal Preparation Class.

Baptism Preparation Classes:

Both Parents and Godparents must have attended a Preparation Class. Please sign up at least 2 weeks in advance.

English Classes will be offered on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 PM and the second Saturday of each month at 11 AM.

Spanish Classes will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 PM.

Once all preparation is done, you may schedule your baptism.

English Baptisms are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 11 AM.

Spanish Baptisms are held the 1st and 4th Saturday of the month at 11 AM or on Sundays at 3 PM.

*Baptism Dates may be reserved once all documents are received in the Parish Office AND Parents/Godparents are registered for one of the Preparation Classes

It is customary to give the celebrant of the baptism a stipend at your discretion. Typically, they give anywhere from $20-$100.

For more information, contact the Parish office. at 706-548-6332.

*For Adults or teens entering the church, Baptism is the first Sacrament that represent the culmination of the Rite of Christian Initiation(RCIA/RCIA)

The Role of Godparents

The role of a Godparent in the Catholic church is an important one. They are not merely ceremonial gift-givers, nor are they required to physically adopt a child in the event of a parent’s death. They must live a life of faith in agreement with the Church’s teachings, and be familiar with the faith in order to catechize the baptized person and ensure their spiritual well-being, which befits the role of to be undertaken by Godparents. 

Choosing godparents should be done based on their spiritual maturity and eligibility in meeting the Church’s guidelines:

  • A Godparent must be a active, practicing Catholic, age 16 or older and have received the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. They will be asked to present a Letter of Good Standing from their home parish.
  • If chosing two Godparents, they should be one man and one woman.
  • Two Godparents are not required to be married to one another, but if either is married, they each must be married in the Catholic faith.

*A letter of good standing is a written verification of eligibility from their home parish that they are an “active parishioner.” This is determined by the Pastor of their church, based on documentation of your tithe envelope that you are registered and attend Mass regularly.

If you are selecting Godparents for the Baptism of a child, or if you have been asked to be a Godparent, it is important to contact the Parish office several months in advance of the baptismal date to obtain an official Sacramental sponsor letter from the Pastor.

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